Conan O'Brien will host the 2025 Oscars, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced Friday, marking his first time hosting the star-studded awards show."America demanded it and now it's happening: Taco Bell's new Cheesy Chalupa Supreme. In other news, I'm hosting the...
Game of Thrones alum Sophie Turner is reportedly in talks to play Laura Croft in Prime Video's series adaptation of the video game franchise Tomb Raider, according to
(ATHENS, Ga.) -- A bench trial is set to begin Friday for the suspect accused of murdering 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley on the University of Georgia's campus.The suspect, Jose Ibarra, waived his right to a jury trial this week. Judge H. Patrick Haggard...
(NEW YORK) -- An American Airlines flight had to "perform an expedited climb" in order to avoid a mountain during a routine departure out of Hawaii on Wednesday.The plane had just departed from Honolulu International Airport and was on its way to Los Angeles...
The second half of the fifth season of Yellowstone got off to a bloody start, with its second episode airing Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. ET on Paramount Network.The debut scored some 16.4 million viewers who are very invested in the Dutton clan — but Luke...
Selena Gomez's new movie, Emilia Pérez, is now streaming on Netflix, and in it she gets to show off her singing, dancing and acting skills. But she says the idea of doing another job that would allow her to do all those things "terrifies" her.While speaking...